Peak of Ovulation
Conceiving during ovulation will more likely give the couple a son rather than a daughter. One step on how to conceive a girl would be to avoid having intercourse at the very peak of the woman’s ovulation. Instead, they should have intercourse at least three days before ovulation takes place. Doing so will increase the chances to conceive a girl, as this will favor the X (over the Y) sperm in fertilizing the egg.Ovulation can be determined through two factors, the woman’s cervical mucus and basal body temperature. When the cervical mucus has a consistency similar to that of a raw egg white, and is watery or stretchy, the woman is ovulating. It is best to avoid intercourse during this time period.
Basal Body Temperature
Basal body temperature (BBT) is taken over two full months to determine the ovulation cycle of a woman. A basal thermometer will be needed to measure this on a daily basis. BBT is taken first thing in the morning, before the woman even leaves her bed. This is important because even the slightest movement or activity can cause alterations or inaccuracies with the BBT readings. When the woman notices a spike in the temperatures, this means that she is ovulating. Again, it is best to avoid intercourse during these days.Sex Position during Intercourse
Shallow penetration is encouraged in trying to conceive a girl. The recommended position for shallow penetration is the missionary position to ensure that the sperm gets deposited nearer the vaginal opening, an area that is highly acidic. The Y-sperm will not survive in acidic environments, which will increase the chances for the X-sperm to fertilize the egg. Deep penetrating positions should be avoided at the moment, such as the side lying position and the rear position, among others.Orgasms
A determinant on how to conceive a girl can depend on having an orgasm or not. If the woman orgasms during intercourse, she produces alkaline substances, which favor the mobility of the Y-sperm. Also, the contractions that come during orgasm helps push the sperm further up the cervix of the woman. These will increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy. Thus, to conceive a girl, it is recommended that the woman does not reach orgasm, at least not before the man reaches orgasm.For those who want to know more on related topics, you can also check out the How to Conceive a Boy article. Additional information is also available for different topics regarding pregnancy, including Pregnancy Symptoms and many more.
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